Team Meeting: Wednesday, February 2nd at 7pm at the Wappingers Falls location: Our first order of business is to have our first meeting of the year, to do a clothing fitting (we are excited about some improvements and changes to the team kits for this year!) and get details on which events we’ll be supporting this year and information about a one-time purchase opportunity for some very good equipment brands at a significant discount, which will be available to our team members.
Team Application: All persons interested in becoming a team member, including current team members, are required to complete an application for 2011. Please go to the Team home page from the website or to our newly designed blog and download the 2011 application. You can either e-mail completed applications to Justin and/or Audrey or hand one in at the meeting. The application deadline to be a Featured Athlete is January 31 and the deadline to apply to be on the Race Team is May 30. Club members can join at any time!
New Team Members: If you have any friends or acquaintances that might be interested in joining the team, please pass on the word about Team or invite them to attend the team meeting on Feb. 2nd at 7pm. Our mission is to support all levels of athletes, so all are welcome!
Sponsors: If you work for or are aware of any local businesses that you think might be interested in supporting the team and having their logo on the team jersey for a small contribution, please e-mail either Justin or Audrey.
Beginner’s Triathlon Clinic on Feb. 6th at 9am at the Wappingers Falls shop location. We’ll discuss equipment, how to setup transitions and much more. Pass the word!
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