Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Don't start none, won't be none.

Well, here we go. Winter training 2011. Battenkill is coming quick, and if Aki gets his USACycling permit, Bethel will be here even quicker.
Most of my training is on the trainer in the basement (aka the meat locker) going nowhere watching movies, punctuated by trainer rides at the shop and, if possible, some time outside on my cross bike.
Spent some quality time on the trainer at the shop last Saturday morning with Raphael, Mike, Rob, Woodsy and Colin watching my new favorite movie, The Losers, which presented us with some mild entertainment to help the time go by a little more quickly.
Sunday we hit some dirt roads out in Salt Point and Clinton. Of course, I got a flat pretty much immediately and the combination of the cold air and even colder CO2 blew a hole in the lightweight tube I had in my seatbag when Rob tried to put it on (yes, it's good to have a bike mechanic along at all times), so I had to borrow a tougher one and a couple more CO2's from Dave before we got back on the road. Mark brought along his digital SLR and took a bunch of great shots of our trip through winter wonderland. The man's got mad skills riding on a slippery, snowy road with only one hand on the bars while taking pictures with that big camera. Apparently, he spent most of the ride behind me.
Today was another movie day on the trainers at the shop. Our Saturday group is growing. Amazing that so many people drag themselves out of bed and stuff themselves and their gear into a freezing cold car for a trainer ride at 8AM! Just goes to show how motivating and helpful it is to have some teammates around you! Afterwards some of those crazy multi-sport people went for a run out in the the 4 degrees, or whatever it was. Talk about motivated.
Hope to see you all at the team meeting!

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