Thursday, June 7, 2012

Long Course Duathlon Nationals: Erica Ruge 3rd A/G!

Congrats to Erica for her 3rd place finish in her age group!

Here is her race report:

Long Course Duathlon Nationals- Cambridge,  MD
10k run, 70k bike, 10k run
I was a bit hesitant when I  signed up for this race.  I have wanted to venture into longer races and I thought maybe this was a good start.  This was the longest race ever for me -- or at least in the last 10 years and not counting marathons --- which meant it'd be the longest time sitting in aero bars, there is hydration and keeping fueled issues that were new things for me for at this distance to be concerned about. I usually just wing it, but I had to come up with a plan.  I was super excited just to see what my body would do and how I would feel.

Arriving race morning it was beautiful, sunny and perfect temps. Only a slight wind to start. First 10k I wanted to take it easy, knowing I had a long race ahead. So I settled into a 6:55 pace and kept it feeling good, finishing in 42:51.  Going out onto the bike, it was 2 loops of a very flat course, but also very windy.  I felt great going out I had the wind with me so I was flying, turn around and head back, oh there was that wind! So I pushed as much as I could, got to the turn around for the 2nd loop about 5 min ahead of my planned time.  2nd loop and I start feeling crappy, pain in my back and sciatic pain down my leg.  This was an awful long time to stay in aerobars, where the hell were my hills so I could get out of the saddle and these stupid bars!!?? I had to get up and move around to make the pain go away. My time was slipping a bit  and I still had the wind on the way back, which of course had gotten  worse! I was just trying to remember  to push hard, the pain is only temporary; I am racing.  OK, so 2nd loop was only about 2 min slower than first but still 2 min is 2 min!! Finished the bike in 2:03 averaged 21.  So I get off the bike (happily) and start my 2nd 10k feeling surprisingly good.  I knew I had a couple ladies to catch.  Before the turnaround I caught one and I wanted to catch a couple more.  I had settled into a comfortable 7:05-7:10 pace.  I caught 2 more ladies before heading to the finish line, with a run time of 44:18.  Final time 3 hrs and 33 minutes.

Wow that's long. 

Very happy the race was over.  Ended up 8th woman overall and 3rd in AG.  This qualified me for Championship in Zofingen, Switzerland.  Which I unfortunetly have to pass on, but I will return next year for another go at it.

Loved the race and happy to report that I will be doing longer races including half ironman distance!! I was pleased at my results for the first time at this distance and lots of things went well including my fueling.

Next up Pat Griskus Olympic.. 

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