Thursday, May 5, 2011

Duathlon Nationals Podium: Erica Ruge 3rd place 35-39 Age Group!

My first race of the season was The National Duathlon Championship in Tucson Arizona. Too bad it has to be such a big event and I really want to do well but, I was very excited as I arrived at 5:45 am to put my bike in transition, which we should have done the night before but was canceled due to high winds -- that's a great way to start! It was cool with no wind at this point which I was happy about because the forecast was for 80-90 degrees, which of course I have barely done any working out in anything above 50! As the sun came up against the beautiful backdrop of the event venue, I could already feel the heat and dry heat.

I put everything in transition and, of course, start checking out my competition. I saw the gal that really is unstoppable that is in my age group and, yes, she usually wins the whole thing! Ok, nothing I can do about her so keep on looking. I eye up a few others that look fast and make mental notes. This part for me is the hardest, waiting to start and seeing all the competition. I tell myself, "Stay strong mentally!!" So, as I warm up with a easy run, I can feel the dry heat and my mouth starts to feel like I sucked in a mouth full of sand. Great and this is just warm up!

I continue my pre-race activities (those are a secret) and then its time for my wave to get in the corral/starting area. The horn blasts and we are off.

First run, is a 5K. I try not to overheat on the first run--- afraid that is will cause me to be shot for the whole race. I see mile 1 and I am right on pace. By mile 2 -- holy crap -- I already feel hot and dry! The last 1/2 mile is uphill and I mean uphill. That was not fun. My pace slowed to what felt like a crawl as the girl next to me tells me to control my breathing. "Ah ya I would if I could!"
Maybe a little training in the heat would have helped...hummmm.

Going into transition my other half yells that I am in 4th place. OK I'll take that. I whip through transition with what I felt like was a lot of speed (turns out it was 41 seconds!). Onto the bike course and I finally feel a little breeze.. oh and now I thinking it's lot of breeze! I pedal as hard as I can for the first loop and I let two girls go by me. That didn't settle well in my stomach so, I punched it and by the second loop I had caught them again. It felt good and allowed me to feel back in the saddle so to speak
Second transition coming up...I whiz in and out (38 seconds this time). Again my other half yells 4th place. Onto the second run, another 5k -- now I am kinda dreading it!


But I power through as my legs try to remember how to run after the 21 mile ride. I am able to find my pace and go. I knew there were some girls fairly close behind me and I really didn't want them to catch me. Again as I am heavily breathing in this dry heat my lungs and chest feel terrible. I crawl up the last hill again and just keep seeing the top and praying that I make it. Finally the tent to the finish line is in sight. As I turn the corner I decide to kick it in just in case someone was on my tail. As I pass through the finish line I am relieved and happy. I feel like the race was a success and the training that I have done has helped but, I also know what more training I need to do.

What a day! And, for my first race of the season I consider it not bad. I finally made the podium at Nationals. Third Place!!
Erica Ruge

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