Sunday, March 13, 2011

3/16/11 Ris Van Bethel

Well that was fun to see quite a few Team kits making a showing at Bethel today. I talked to Akil Sutton (top 20!!), George Prisco and Don Higgins, who survived the carnage of the Cat 5 race. Don stuck around after and I could hear him cheer for me every lap of the women's race, which was nice, thanks!! I saw that Eric Eckley raced with the Cat 4s with Adam Ritter, and Rivers and Justin were with the 3/4s, and Rivers then did the 1/2/3 as well. I think there were some others. Let us know how your day at Bethel went!

For me, it was a good little test to see how I felt dealing with bike handling and being back in the group after months locked into the trainer by myself. It was nice to see a pretty good group of women show up. It was dry at least, and not too cold, but the ever-present Bethel headwind on the back stretch got harder and harder through the day. Assessment: Endurance: not too bad. Top end speed: nonexistent! I had no problem staying at/on the front most of the time and closing any gaps that formed, but no jump to speak of. Time for more intervals and sprints!

Pictures from the race can be viewed from the link below:

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