Sunday, September 5, 2010

There Goes My Hero

So, obviously I'm not in Vermont racing my bike this weekend. I was feeling pretty lame about it, so in a fit of atonement I signed up for the Vassar duathlon out at Freedom Park next weekend. I've been running for 8 whole days now, and I think I'm up to 20 minutes. So it should go well. Ha.
Anyway, I hope I don't make too much of a fool of myself because I'm hoping to get to see some of our multi-sport athletes on the team in action there, or at least manning the Bikeway tent and pumping up tires for people. Since I stick mostly to just racing my bike on the road, I've been aware of our team member numbers and participation and accomplishments at team Bikeway through posting up race results and race reports here on the blog, but I haven't actually gotten to see too many of you that often except at group rides. And what's been amazing to see at those group rides is how many of you already know each other from the multi-sport racing circuit. We now have 50+ people out there in Bikeway kits, supporting each other and training and racing together. So, I have to say I think we met the goal for Team this year, and we have our members to thank for that.
Two years ago "team Bikeway" consisted of two people: Rivers and me. And Rob came out of retirement for a few days to race Fitchburg with us. Last year when I raced for Anthem, it was down to only Rivers. I had no idea when Justin and Doug and I began talking about forming the team early this year that we'd get to this point. I have to admit, part of what moved us to start the team was that we'd seen a ton of people out there in team kits for other bike shops. My thought was we needed to create a "Bikeway army" too! But you all are far from merely faceless foot soldiers in black and yellow. We have teachers, lawyers, business owners, med students, elite level triathletes training to represent their country at the next Olympics, marathoners, ultra endurance runners..... and the list goes on an on. You all are amazing and its been a great inspiration to know there so many of us, carrying on with all the mundane responsibiltiies of life but still making time and the commitment to train and do what you love, so take a bow.
Hope to see some of you Saturday. Wave as you run by.

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