Sept 18-19 Weekend
On Sunday, Tony Tanzi headed up to Syracuse for the half ironman and put up a 22 minute PR, finishing in 4:42, 11th in his age group. Congrats!
We also had a number of great finishes at the D.C. Classic. In the 5k, Michelle Stathers was 31st O/A, 2nd A/G and 3rd female. Adam Ritter was 24th O/A, and 1st in his A/G. Also, Raphael Bingert was 7th overall and 1st in his A/G and Vinnie Grega as 114th O/A and 1st in his A/G. In the half marathon, Connie Seigh was 1st female, and also racing were Joe Glauda, Colin Martin, Dave Fernekes, Carly Johnson, Mark Andrews, Caitlin Martin, Elena Barnett, Chris LaTuso, Lori Cassia-Decker and Maria Bochinis. Rumor has it that Caitlin then went on to do the Warrior Dash 5k that afternoon!!
Sept 25-26 Weekend
At the Inaugural Rocking Horse Ranch Tri/Du on Sunday, Shawn 'Woodsy" Jackson won the tri overall, with Mark Gueron 8th O/A, 1st A/G (what a comeback!),Mark Deluccia 4th O/A, 1st A/G; Mike Koch 22nd O/A, 5th A/G; Kevin Gallagher 27th O/A, 7th A/G; and Vinne Grega 74th O/A, 2nd A/G. On the duathlon side, Zuri Wilson was 2nd female, 10th O/A. Great racing everyone!
Carly Johnson raced the Jarder Westchester Olympic Tri, finishing 1st in her A/G in 2:27.
Lukas Siska traveled to Columbia for an ITU race finishing 22nd.
And Caitlin and Colin Martin did the Newport Liberty half marathon, finishing together in 1:46.
Great job everyone! As always, let me know if I missed anyone.
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